How To The Haughty Story Of #Love #Romanc

How To The Haughty Story Of #Love #Romance

The haughty story of love

Snigdha closed her eyes and said, what are you doing? Leave.

Adil put Snigdha on the bed and then got very angry and said,

Why don't you take care of yourself?

Snigdha looked stunned. Why did the man get angry in a hurry? Adil glared at Snigdha with angry eyes then sat next to Snigdha and as soon as he put his hands on her legs, Snigdha got busy and said, "Nothing like that happened...

Adil's fiery gaze fell on his eyes as he said this. Snigdha went silent. What happened to the anger of the father?

Looking at the paintings of this house, Spriha can guess why Snigdha asked him to look for her. Not that he didn't look.

He searched but did not find anything.

Below the paintings is a name very intricately written. The name is Arohi. But he did not find any artist by this name.

Although the paintings are comparatively remarkable, the person who took these pictures is a very ordinary person. But why is his sister so eager to find this man? Who is this rider? Apu was not told the name. Spriha came out of the room and came to Snigdha's room.

Spriha came to the room and looked surprised. What is the doctor doing here? Someone's body is bad. She is sitting on the bed with a black face holding her smooth forehead. Busy with desire, he approached Snigdha and said, "Apu, what happened to you? Has your body hurt?"

Snigdha looked at Adil for a moment with annoyance and then said to Spriha, "I don't know." Lust frowned. I do not know how to talk again? In the meantime, Adil said to the doctor, is there any chance of infection?

Dr. Saheb pressed his lips and smiled a little.

Knowing that there was no problem, the doctor said, there is no possibility of an immediate infection. But take a little care of him.

She frowned and looked at the doctor. She didn't find any good people to take care of. What happened? That's why this guy brought the doctor home again. Then the doctor's intention was to say, I'm fine. I can take care of myself.

Adil said in a sharp voice, # You have done this condition of your feet because you can take care of yourself. # Snigdha gritted her teeth.

The doctor got up to go and then addressed Snigdha and said,

After marriage, the boys go crazy with their wives.

He laughed and looked.

Snigdha became unprepared for the doctor's words. This girl is sitting next to her, she is more mature. Adil didn't see any reaction but he got up and said, # You too went crazy after marriage, understand?

The doctor laughed out loud. Snigdha grabbed Spriha's hand and pulled her to her side. This girl says whatever comes in her mouth. The doctor said #love means madness. Listen, girl! If you love, you have to be mad.

Adil smiled softly at the doctor's words. Snigdha stared hard. Why is his sister on the right?

The doctor left. Adil went downstairs with the doctor. As soon as the doctor left, Snigdha grabbed Spriha's ear and said, why are you so mature? Tell mom to find a boy for you? #

Spriha screamed and said, Apu is feeling relieved. As soon as Avro ran into the room, Snigdha let go of her ears. Avro jumped up and sat on the bed and then said, why are you fighting?

Spruha patted her ear and said, "How rotten is your mother?"

Avro nodded and then frowned, #

 She is not a mother and she is not a mother. Why are you calling her mom? #

Spriha and Snigdha both looked stunned. Snigdha's face became dirty. Avro's words sounded like that to him. Spriha looked at Snigdha for a moment and then went to Avro and said, then who is your mother?

 Snigdha swallowed and looked.

Avro rolled her eyes and said, "Archi." Is Avro saying his mother's name then?


Snigdha asked with dirty eyes, "Who is your mother ...?"

Without giving anyone a chance to say anything, Adil left the room with Avro. Snigdha sat down with a sad face. He was hurt even a little by this little word called Avrora.

Desire is sitting like bewilderment. Arohi means Avro's mother whose paintings have been arranged all over the house? Spriha looked at her sister. How pale his face has become. Spriha said with a little courage, Apr.

Snigdha looked into her dirty eyes. Then she took a breath and said, Hmm. Spriha swallowed hard and said, "I got the name of the person you asked me to get out of, but you haven't been told."

Snigdha said in a frustrated voice, "Well, tell me."

All the paintings of this house are of Avro's mother Aka, meaning rider.

The desire stopped.

Snigdha paused for a moment but after a while, it seemed that maybe Adil loved that man so much that he kept everything in his hand like this. What a wailing has started inside the chest. Snigdha closed her eyes and leaned on the bed and said,

Desire is what you are now. I'm getting a lot of sleep.

The desire did not increase. He thought Avro might not be Adil's son. But now everything seems vaguer. Spriha came out of the room.

 Snigdha is trying to keep herself calm. But nothing is possible. He started fighting inside his chest. Snigdha opened her eyes and sat up straight. No menu